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What is scroll spy

Automatically update navigation or list group components based on scroll position to indicate which link is currently active in the viewport.

Steps to add scroll spy in WordPress or another website

Add ID to list and put href to section id, Make sure section id is same as href

As per the below screenshot one can easily add a list element ID using the widget Advanced option -> HTML_ANCHOR.

Once ID is added to the list next step is to add javascript code inside WordPress or another website.

– Add Javascript for Scrollspy

Below is scroll spy javascript code or you can find in fiddle link added at end of post

(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.extend({ scrollspy: function (options) { // Define our defaults var defaults = { namespace: 'scrollspy', activeClass: 'active', animate: false, duration: 1000, offset: 0, container: window, replaceState: false }; // Add any overriden options to a new object options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Adds two numbers together var add = function (ex1, ex2) { return parseInt(ex1, 10) + parseInt(ex2, 10); } // Find our elements var findElements = function (links) { // Declare our array var elements = []; // Loop through the links for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { // Get our current link var link = links[i]; // Get our hash var hash = $(link).attr("href"); // Store our has as an element var element = $(hash); // If we have an element matching the hash if (element.length > 0) { // Get our offset var top = Math.floor(element.offset().top), bottom = top + Math.floor(element.outerHeight()); // Add to our array elements.push({ element: element, hash: hash, top: top, bottom: bottom }); } } // Return our elements return elements; }; // Find our link from a hash var findLink = function (links, hash) { // For each link for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { // Get our current link var link = $(links[i]); // If our hash matches the link href if (link.attr("href") === hash) { // Return the link return link; } } }; // Reset classes on our elements var resetClasses = function (links) { // For each link for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { // Get our current link var link = $(links[i]); // Remove the active class link.parent().removeClass(options.activeClass); } }; // Store last fired scroll event var scrollArea = ''; // For each scrollspy instance return this.each(function () { // Declare our global variables var element = this, container = $(options.container); // Get our objects var links = $(element).find('a'); // Loop through our links for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { // Get our current link var link = links[i]; // Bind the click event $(link).on("click", function (e) { // Get our target var target = $(this).attr("href"), $target = $(target); // If we have the element if ($target.length > 0) { // Get it's scroll position var top = add($target.offset().top, options.offset); // If animation is on if (options.animate) { // Animate our scroll $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: top }, options.duration); } else { // Scroll to our position window.scrollTo(0, top); } // Prevent our link e.preventDefault(); } }); } // Set links resetClasses(links); // Get our elements var elements = findElements(links); var trackChanged = function() { // Get the position and store in an object var position = { top: add($(this).scrollTop(), Math.abs(options.offset)), left: $(this).scrollLeft() }; // Create a variable for our link var link; // Loop through our elements for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { // Get our current item var current = elements[i]; // If we are within the boundaries of our element if (position.top >= current.top && position.top < current.bottom) { // get our element var hash = current.hash; // Get the link link = findLink(links, hash); // If we have a link if (link) { // If we have an onChange function if (options.onChange && (scrollArea !== hash)) { // Fire our onChange function options.onChange(current.element, $(element), position); // set scrollArea scrollArea = hash; } // Update url if (options.replaceState) { history.replaceState( {}, '', '/' + hash ) } // Reset the classes on all other link resetClasses(links); // Add our active link to our parent link.parent().addClass(options.activeClass); // break our loop break; } } } // If we don't have a link and we have a exit function if (!link && (scrollArea !== 'exit') && options.onExit) { // Fire our onChange function options.onExit($(element), position); // Reset the classes on all other link resetClasses(links); // set scrollArea scrollArea = 'exit'; // Update url if (options.replaceState) { history.replaceState( {}, '', '/' ) } } } // Add a listener to the window container.bind('scroll.' + options.namespace, function () { trackChanged(); }); $( document ).ready(function (e) { trackChanged(); }) }); } }); })(jQuery, window, document, undefined);

I have added a code snippet plugin in WordPress to add my script code which is easy and useful too. The more efficient way is to add using a Child theme WordPress Enqueue function in the function file.

Add an activation code where you need to add the ID of the list

// add id or class for list element
jQuery("#singlesticky_nav").scrollspy({ offset: -75 });

Here is the fiddle working demo link

Link to Scrollspy fiddle

If any queries you can connect to me through WhatsApp or email.


Geometrical Web

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